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Revised Annual Return FC-4 Form – FCRA Update

At the beginning of the Financial Year, FCRA department has made changes to FCRA Annual Return, which is in Form FC4. The more detailed, more refined format has been introduced. Let us have a look at new changes.

Activity/Project wise utilization

Earlier:- Only total figures of utilization.
New:- You need to give details of opening balance, receipts, utilization and closing balance of each activity/project.

Each Donor Details

Earlier:- Only details of donors who had given more than Rs. 20,000 to be given.
New:- Now, details of each and every foreign donor (1st recipient and 2nd recipient) is to be given.

Fixed Assets Details

Earlier:- Only a total of fresh assets purchased during the year was to mention.
New:- Now, details of each fixed assets purchased during the year from foreign contribution is to be mentioned. e.g. Type of assets, project name, amount etc..

FD Details

Earlier:- Earlier it was not cleared which amount should be displayed. FD closing balance or matured or utilized, bit confusion was prevailing.
New:- Now, very clear tabs given to write the opening balance of FD, new FDs made, the maturity of FD and Closing Balance of FD.

How to file FC-4 return?

Check out below video showing detail presentation on the procedure of FC-4 Form.



Did I miss something?

Hope this will help you in your NGO, if you have any question,  you can ask here or chat with us. Also your comments are welcome on the above subjects.


3 replies
  1. Laxman Bhimashankar Konale
    Laxman Bhimashankar Konale says:

    FCRA 4 Annual return Filled by me for FY 2018-19. Donation not Received for that period therefor Filled NIL Return but Interest from Saving Account not taken for that period in return, what will be future consequences if any ?
    Please Suggest possible remedy.
    Thank You

  2. venkat
    venkat says:

    Do we have to show the Interest earned on the deposits/savings from FCRA account as receipts against the project/activity utilisation of foreign funds (Utilisation project wise tab)

    Pl. advice


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