Tag Archive for: Renewal of FCRA

After a circular regarding DSC of chief functionary, FCRA Department has issued a circular on 17th June 2015, (Download from here)asking for suggestion on amendments to Foreign Contribution Regulation Rules, 2011 by Foreign Contribution Regulation Rules (2015).

THIS IS A DRAFT AMENDMENTS and suggestions or comments asked from public and other stakeholders on or before 1st July, 2015.

We are in the process of analyzing and studying all the changes in the amendments and it impacts. Meanwhile let us see important changes which are suggested in the amendments of FC Rules :

Website will become mandatory

After this amendments, every NGOs with FC registration will have to build a website. No, it is not declared directly as mandatory. But changes made to Rule 13(1) stating that every registered organization has to publish audited Income Expenditure, Receipt Payments and Balance Sheet of Foreign contribution to its website before 31st December of every year. Such website has to be declared as official website and is to be informed to FCRA department.

Have to publish Foreign Receipt within 7 days

Yes, you have to publish to your official website, every foreign receipts within seven days of receipts. Refer rule 13(B) of such draft amendments.

Bank will have to report in 48 hours

Bank will have to report of FCRA department within 48 hours of any transactions in respect of receipt and utilization of any foreign contribution. Refer rule 16 (2) of such draft amendments.

Online Procedures

We have already write a blog stating how FCRA department is eager to implement all the online procedure. Here in this amendments it is clearly mention that now onwards all the forms will be filled online through DSC and also you can make payment through online payment gateway.

Change in Forms

All the form numbers will be changed e.g. Annual Return Form FC-6 now become FC-4. Not only form numbers, but details and information given in the forms will also changed. We will soon post a blog showing what changes will be made in Forms.

You can give Suggestions

FCRA department has asked for suggestions on the above mentioned amendments from public. You can give your suggestions by email to Mr. A.K. Dhyani, Under Secretary to the Government of India on ak.dhyani@nic.in.

Alternatively you can give your suggestion in the comment box below. We will compile all the suggestions and email to the authority.

Note – This amendments are draft and not final. This will be implemented only after FCRA Rule, 2015 published in the Official Gazzette.

As we all aware about new provisions in Foreign Contribution Act, 2010, all NGOs have to renew its registration in every 5 years. Let us check in detail what is the Renewal Procedure and when and how to file renewal form.

When  FCRA registration expires ?

Existing organization having registration before 1st May 2011, their registration will be expire on 30/04/2016. Organization registered after 1st May 2011, 5 years from the date of the registration.

When  to apply for Renewal of FCRA registration ?

If you have multi-year on going projects – 12 months before expiry date as mentioned above. For existing organization, that cut off date is 30/04/2015.

If you do not have multi-year on going projects – 6 months before expiry date as mentioned above. For existing organization, that cut off date is 30/10/2015.

How to  to apply for Renewal of FCRA registration ?

Application has to be made in Form FC-5. You can download this form in word format from here. Currently FC-5 form is not available to file online like FC-6, so we presume that we have to file this form offline in hard copy.

Form FC5

Form FC5

How Much fees for Renewal of FCRA registration ?

Along with Form FC-5 , organization has to pay Rs. 500 by way of DD or banker’s cheque in the name of “Pay and Account Office, Ministry of Home Affairs” payable at New Delhi.

Time Limit for Renewal of FCRA registration

FCRA department has to renew the certificate, ordinarily within 90 days from the Form FC5 received. If renewal is not granted within time line, it shall communicate reasons for rejection to the organizations.

Consequences for Delay or Not apply for Renewal

In case an organization fails to apply with in cut off dates mentioned above or not apply at all, its registration of FCRA becomes invalid.


Check out this video



It is advisable for organization to start preparing for Form FC5. Download Form FC5 in word format from here. In next blog, we will discuss in detail about what information is to be filled in Form FC5.

# Disclaimer
This video is prepared in the view to facilitate users to fill FC 5 form for FCRA renewal. Kindly refer FCR Act and Rules for accurate information. While we have made every attempt to ensure that the information contained in this site has been obtained from reliable sources, KCJMNGO is not responsible for any errors or omissions, or for the results obtained from the use of this information.