How do we know, what is the status of application of FCRA renewal ? This is the question, every organization is asking now a days. Yes, we all are waiting regarding any communication from MHA, FCRA department regarding FCRA renewal status.

What is current scenario?

As per our knowledge, no organization,  throughout India has received any Renewal or Query Letter from MHA, FCRA department.

How to check FCRA Renewal Status?

No such mechanism prescribed or available right now online to check where your application is lying. Keep visiting our blog for any new news.

Time limit for FCRA Renewal?

As per section 16 (3) of FCR Act, 2010, renewal certificate should be issued withing 90 days from the date of the application received.

section 16(3)

“The Central Government shall renew the certificate, ordinarily within ninety days from the date of receipt of application for renewal of certificate . . . .

Provided that in case the Central Government does not renew the certificate within the said period of ninety days, it shall communicate the reason thereof to the applicant”

What to do now?

Organization can email to the FCRA department to email address (this email address mention on the website) with the details on which date you apply for renewal and DD no etc..

If you get any communication from FCRA department regarding renewal or any queries, kindly post in the comment so it will be useful to other readers of this blog. Thanks.

15 replies
    • Jahir Mansuri
      Jahir Mansuri says:

      Yes even I have heard the same. And what about organizations who have send DDs? How they get the money back. I think, department should come up with online renewal form with facility to pay online.

    SUNNY SHAH says:

    Dear sir,

    We made the renewal application 1 month before the expiry of registration i.e on 24th July, 2015. 100 days has passed but there is no communication about the rejection or acceptance of the renewal application. There is no contact details where we can ask for the status of the application. We know that we made a mistake by not applying ontime. Whether we are required to make afresh renewal application or we should ask for “condonation of delay”. Please guide me with this issue.

  2. Jahir Mansuri
    Jahir Mansuri says:

    As mentioned in this blog, no one has received FCRA renewal or even query letter.
    if you have made application before one month, where is delay in such case?

  3. Dr Raja Venkatesh
    Dr Raja Venkatesh says:

    the last date for filing FCRA renewal was October 31st. I think you have applied well before the dealine. unless of course you have had an ongoing FCRA project which is continuing for the next years. So dont worry. may the Ministry will come u[p with a list online for renewal

  4. Dr Raja Venkatesh
    Dr Raja Venkatesh says:

    Yes Vaibhav sharma is right.

    All of us have to resubmit the FCRA renewal online again and the last date is march 31 2016. Even if you have submitted a hard copy before Oct 2015 31st. The link is given in FCRA online. use your same username password as for FC annual returns.


    we made out physical application as early as in apr 2015.
    Now they are informing that we should do online only and forget what is done before????


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