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Video – How to upload FCRA documents to website

As you aware that as per new FCRA Act, all the organizations have to upload FCRA documents to the official website of the organization. Read this blog for more details.

If your organization do not have any website or do not afford to have one. you can create free website as illustrated in this video

2 replies

    Dear sir,
    we requesting you for your financial support to our organization. SHIV SHAKTI KELAVANI MANDAL is a NON-GOVERNMENTAL organization (N G O ) based in Anand Distric of Gujarat,the largest populated state in India,The organization was founded in the year 1983,by the group of young sensitive youths in the interest of the society S S K M is a pioneer in promotion of in come generation activities (I G As ) for the deprived sections of the community. S S K M believes that the RURAL poor are capable of determining and building their future provided they are supported and facilitated properiy. The organization works for the development of community through a number of activities any program.
    S S K M is registered a trust under the Societies Registration act 1950 (Rule-)The foreign contribution Regulation Act ( F C R A ).2001,12A and 80G section of Income Tex Act,1961.
    Objectives :- We work for the cause and care of deprived RURAL societies and improve their quality of life. S S K M is integrating its Programmes and services and consciously moving form welfare towards development and longterm sustainability for tribal and rural Communities. Community’s active in volvement and support in rural development programme makes the programme sustainable.
    Please help to Fund the N G O Activities
    Email :- shiv_shakti_m@yahoo.com
    Mumbai Public Trust | Vocational Training | Health Cheak ups | Aids Awareness Progremmesm | Mumbai Public Trust | Sports Activities | public charitable trust
    S S K Mandal


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