Tag Archive for: Utilization Certificate

Utilisation Certificate is asked by every Funding Agency and CSR funding Corporates. Generally, NGO frequently submits various reports of the implementing of the project including financial spent and position. At the end of the project or year-end, an audited utilisation certificate is asked, which includes expenses spent on the project against budget and remaining fund balance.

No Uniform format for UC

But the problem with UC is that there is no proper format suggested in any act or law. Thus, every auditor issued UC as per their format or funding agency insist in a particular format. This happens with CSR corporate also. And it is very difficult for statutory auditor of corporate to rely upon UC.

ICAI issued Advisory

So, ICAI (Institute of Chartered Accountants) has issued an advisory to its member regarding this recently. In such advisory, it is instructed to member / CAs to provide UC in a particular format of the report which is called “Independent Practitioner’s Report on Utilisation Funds” . Also, ICAI has advised such companies to obtain such Report from NGOs / CSR entity.

Lets talk about Report

It is usual audit report, but includes following :-

  • Management (NGO) Responsibility
  • Auditor’s Responsibility
  • Opinion of Auditor

So, under this report, Auditor has to give audit report after considering following :-

  • Checked whether the entity has incurred amounts on the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) activities specified in Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013.
  • Traced and agreed the amounts in the attached Statement.
  • Traced the amount spent on CSR activities from the bank statements / cash book of the entity.
  • Checked whether amounts spent on CSR activities have been adequately disclosed in the financial statements.
  • Obtained written representation from the management of the entity on the total amount unspent and their plan to disburse the unspent amount related to the project
  • Tested the arithmetical and clerical accuracy of the Statement


Thus, now onwards, most of corporates will ask NGOs to submit UC in this particular format for CSR projects.

Checkout my Video

As we are aware that a new format of FCRA return has been out in Form FC4.

Check out this tutorial video on how to file FCRA return.

The major change in this return is that it asked for the information Project-wise Expenditures. See below image.

Also, when you add activity or project, it asked to provide the address/location of the activity or project. Check it out.

Let us discuss some of the practical points related to this.

One Project – One Location

Easy-peasy. Nothing to worry. Full project expenditures go here, with opening balance, the grant received, utilization and the closing balance of that project or activity.

One project – Two locations

Bu the problem is here. When a project is implemented in more than one location. So, it is advisable to bifurcate the expenditures as per the location – drill down to district level will be okay.

However, generally, it is very difficult to fetch data from the Tally. If your chart of accounts are not capable of bifurcating locations, one has to check each and every vouchers and have to bifurcate. The easiest method is to create the location as cost categories in Tally so that one can get this data at one click.

How to configure this cost-category? – Check out this blog of mine

Head Office Location

Do not mention all the activity location as a head office, if your field area is different. Head office is for administrative work. Here the logic behind this to get activities in various geographic locations.

Administrative Expenses and Purchase of Fixed Assets

Apart from program expenses, there are administrative expenses and purchase of fixed assets also from the Foreign Funds received. However, there is no clarity to put these expenses in this portion of the FC-4 Form. In my opinion, however, it is better to show administrative expenses and fixed assets related to the projects under here. So, you can get correct balance as at the end of the year for that activity or project.


The bottom line is that give accurate and correct information. Also, to provide detailed information is always better than providing less information. Best of luck for FCRA return filling.


The last date for filling FCRA return in Form FC-4 for FY 2018-19 is 31.12.2019.

Did I miss something?

Hope this will help you in your NGO, if you have any question,  you can ask here or chat with us. Also your comments are welcome on the above subjects.

Why a company having huge CSR funds and want to implement genuine projects, should give funds to your organization ?  This is the question you should ask to yourself and do not indulge into the malpractices as mentioned in this part 1 of this CSR series.

How to get CSR funding for your NGO?-PART 1

Most of the organizations are good at what they are doing in terms of implementing projects and grass root work, but they are not good in maintaining documentations and showing their good work to the world. Read this Part 2 blog, where I mentioned how you should showcase your good work.

How to get CSR Funding for your NGO ?- Program Quality – PART 2

Before we go ahead with Part 3 of this series regarding maintenance of Financial and Internal Control System, look at this latest news regarding spending Rs. 2,80,00,00,00,000 in last three years under CSR by the companies.

Accounting and Financial Control System

When you are approaching companies for CSR funding, it is almost prerequisite that NGO’s Accounting and Financial Control system is matched with the industry standards. You have to remember this:-

  • Regular Accounting (zero backlog)
  • Accurate Accounting
  • High Quality of Supporting (Single rupee spent hast to be  supported by Bills and Vouchers)
  • Strong Internal Control System
  • Watertight Cash Management System
  • Efficient Advance Management System


Statutory Compliance

No company will be ready to fund your organization if you have not followed all the Statutory Compliance. As a first step, list down the following compliance and check which  you followed in your organization. For remaining compliance, why you are not following it. Take expert opinion whether it is applicable to your NGO or not.

  • 12A – 80G
  • TDS
  • Income Tax Act
  • GST
  • FCRA
  • PF
  • ESIC
  • Professional Tax
  • Trust and Society Act



How your NGOs working is governing by the members ? Is your NGO is  one man army? Is it look like Proprietorship or Partnership Firm? Whose taking decision and how? These are some of the questions which may be asked at the time or per-scrutiny of project.

  • Authority Matrix
  • Decision Flow
  • Rotation in the Board Members
  • Election or Selection procedure of new board members
  • General Meeting and Executive Body Meetings
  • Maintenance of Minutes of such meetings
  • Intimation of Change in the Board Members



Following policy documents should be prepared and implemented in the NGO

  • Financial Policy
  • HR Policy
  • Accounting Manual
  • General Work Policy
  • Anti Corruption Policy
  • Gender Policy
  • Child Policy, if applicable

Hope the above information will be useful to you in getting CSR funds. We will discuss in next part of this series on how to approach companies for CSR funding.

Part -4 How to approach companies for CSR funds? – Coming Soon

Disclaimer : This blog is purely for the education purpose and author is NOT providing any services to get CSR funding.

In earlier posts, we have seen what should be good NGO Travel Policy.  As questions asked by many of my readers regarding each traveling policy in detail,  I inspire to write a blog on each  Traveling Policies prevailing in the NGO sectors in detail and also its advantages and disadvantages. Today, Let us take a traveling policy used by many NGOs, from small one to huge one, which is per kilometer charge to project.

Charging per kilometer to Funding Agency

We all know that NGOs have to agree on a specific budget with Funding Agencies. Many of the NGOs have decided per kilometer rate and charged to Funding Agency and chttp://kcjmngo.com/wp-login.phpreated a Fund with whatever name, be it Vehicle Maintenance Fund, Vehicle Fund, Traveling Fund Reserve…. etc.. Now from this fund, actual expenses for travel (Fuel, Servicing, Oil etc…) is paid but if you want to invest in other extras or accessories, like a dash camera from Blackboxmycar.com just for security, it will need to come from your budget. Is this an ideal policy? In my opinion a BIG NO. One should avoid this policy. Lets us discuss positive and negative points of this travel policy of ngo. Start with Negative.

Why one should avoid this policy?

  1. The amount charged to Funding Agencies may or may not be same as actual total expenses of travel. This lead to generate surplus amount in your Vehicle Fund in your Balance Sheet at the end of the year.
  2. This give wrong impression, that you are saving some money from year to year from Projects supported by funding agency.
  3. Some NGOs even raise a Bill of Traveling to Funding Agency as support. This will lead into double entry of Income and expenses. First time entered as income in Grant Received and Project Expenses and second time Traveling Income by raising invoice and actual travel expenses. If you are doing this , stop it immediately.
  4. By using this you are violating terms of Project Agreement with Funding Agency. Because you agreed to spent budgeted money on specific Project. However when you adopt this policy, you are saving some money and not actually spending all as per agreed budget.
  5. As per FCRA rules, you have to spent Foreign Grants for the purpose it is received. You can not create reserve or Vehicle Fund  from FC money.
  6. When Vehicle Fund gets accumulated from year to year and showing balance of considerable amount on Liability side on Balance Sheet, it is assumed that you have that much amount in your Bank or FDs on the assets side correspondingly. This sometime become obstacles in getting fund from Funding Agencies.

What is the solution then ?

In my opinion, Actual expenses of travel to be booked to project. In supporting, original fuel bills, maintenance bills should be attached. In second level supporting, a Log book should be maintained. In case of more than one project, bills and expenditure should be divided proportionately.


Try to adopt that Traveling policy which suits your organization and your funding agencies more. My advice is, if you are following this travel policy, add one clause in the agreement with funding agency.