Participant List mandatory for NGOs?

Many auditors and funding agency / donor agency asked for whether participant list is maintained by the NGOs or not. Is participant list is considered as proof for amount spent. Why participant list has so much importance.

Participant List

As name suggests, Participant list basically is the statement or list showing the attendance of participant / beneficiaries. So, whenever, some trainings, meetings, distributions etc event happens, it is important to document number of person attended such event.

Supporting / proof of Expenditure

During the event, some of the expenditures spent are based on the number of person attended it. Food Expenses, Refreshment expenses when paid on per meal or per person basis. In such scenario participant list can be work as internal supporting proof for expenditures. However, it must be noted that external supporting or primary supporting like bills and invoices for food and refreshment must be taken.


Participant List must have following information

  • Serial Number
  • Full Name of Participant
  • Village / Town / Location
  • Contact Number
  • Signature
  • Authorised Signatory


Illustrative format of Participant List


Check out below video on participant list

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Hope this will help you in your NGO, if you have any question,  you can ask here or chat with us. Also your comments are welcome on the above subjects.

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