FCRA Update – Change in Office bearers/Key Functionaries

Another update in FCRA. Department has issued notice to ensure compliance with the provisions of FCRA 2010 to update Chief Functionary / Signatory. It is mentioned in the notice that, department has observed that some of the organizations have changed their office bearers/ key functionaries without approval from the Ministry of Home Affairs and without updating the data on real time basis through the online application.

Download full notice here.

Which form to be filled?

Thus, notice instructed to all such organization to submit online Form FC-6 (Part E) about change in such office bearers / key functionaries. This form need to be filled on-line.

Link – https://fcraonline.nic.in/FC6.aspx?Resp_Id=3

When to submit?

The time period mentioned in the notice is within one month of date of the notice. Thus, last date for updation is 7th July 2019.

What documents to be attached?

Along with online form FC-6 (Part E), you need to upload documents in support of change in key functionaries.This may includes (i) Board Resolution for Addition / Retirement / Change in members (ii) Supporting document that such change has been notified to Registered Authority i.e. Trust Registrar, Society Registrar or Charity Commissioner as per your orgnisation’s registration.

Consequence of Non-submission of such forms within one month is not mentioned in this notice. However, it will definitely considered as violation of FCRA rules and regulations and accordingly steps can be taken against the organization.

Download Sample From FC-6 (Part E) – Here

10 replies
  1. Shanthi Rajashekar
    Shanthi Rajashekar says:

    Dear Sir,
    While trying to upload the key members , one to apply , then it get approved , today I had uploaded the details of the newly added person,It should be approved then I have to enclosed the relevant documents , i think its not possible to do at one time , am i right , can you please guide me if i am right.

    Thanks in advance

    • Jahir Mansuri
      Jahir Mansuri says:

      No it is possible, you can add/delete whatever the change may be at one time and upload all relevant documents.

    • Jahir Mansuri
      Jahir Mansuri says:

      savings means?
      A section 8 company can have excess of income over expenditure. Restriction is sec 8 company can not distribute dividend.

  2. s srinivasan
    s srinivasan says:

    The Form prescribes that change of more than 50% of the trutees/functionary only to be intimated. If there is no change in key functionary and change of other functionary (trustees) is less than 50% still the same has to be informed ?

    • Jahir Mansuri
      Jahir Mansuri says:

      If change is less than 50% then no need to file such form.
      However, my advice is to file whenever there is change in board members as a good practice


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