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What you should check before Submitting FC-6?

FCRA Annual Return

Every NGO, registered under Foreign Contribution Regulation Act (FCRA), must have to file FCRA Annual Return under FC-6 form every before 31st December. You can check how to file FC-6 form here.

When you are filling FC-6 return online, there are less chances of mismatch of figures like grants, expenses and closing balance. However, some of the information must be checked before submitting the same.

Cross Check before filling FCRA Annual Return

Sr Financial Documents FCRA Online
1 Last Year FC Return Closing Balance FC6 Purpose & Address Previous Balance
2 Receipt & Payment (FC) Receipt Side FC6 Part II SR No 1(A)
3 Receipt & Payment (FC) Payment Side FC6 Part III Total Spent
4 Balance Sheet (FC) Closing Cash &Bank Balance FC6 Part III Closing Balance
5 Bank Pass Book  Credit Summesion FC6 Part II SR No 1(A)








Utmost care should be taken before filling FCRA Annual Return, so that any errors or mismatch of figures with books of accounts can be omitted. Such kind of errors while filling FCRA Annual Return may cause cancellation of FCRA registration to NGO.

7 replies
  1. Ray
    Ray says:

    Our Organization Got FCRA On Dec.08.2012, I did Not Submit any Annual Reports So far, Should I Submit The Annual Reports Now?

  2. admin
    admin says:

    Mr. Ray

    You had to submit your FCRA annula return from 8/12/2012 to 31/3/2013 before 31/12/2013, which is last date for filling Annual Return for last Financial Year. You have to file annual return online.

    My advice to submit the annual return immediately without delay along with condolence letter.

    We, at KCJM NGO also provides you best service to filling Annual Return of FCRA

  3. Y LaxmanRao
    Y LaxmanRao says:

    Dear Sir

    We submitted FC 6 annual returns through online .But it was not corrected . Nill grant received in this year how can revised filling please suggest me

    Laxmanrao 9490127346

    • admin
      admin says:

      Once you submit FC6 online, there is no such provision to rectify it. I think you should write a letter or FC department along with reasons and revised FC6.

  4. AJ Borah
    AJ Borah says:

    Dear Sir,
    We are an NGO without FCRA.
    We have been promised grant by another NGO which has FCRA and which has received the main grant. The fund is foreign fund and we want to avail a part of the grant for carrying out the activities.
    What can we do now to get the grant. Please advise on this.

    • Jahir Mansuri
      Jahir Mansuri says:

      NGO is who is giving fund to you has to file a form FC-5 and ask for the permission to such transfer of funds to your organization. Once got the permission from FCRA,, you can received fund and use for activities.


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