Big Relief – Renewal of 12A and 80G is being deferred

The Taxation And Other Laws (Relaxation And Amendment Of Certain Provisions) Bill, 2020 as introduced in Lok Sabha on 18.09.2020 seeks to replace the Taxation and Other Laws (Relaxation of Certain Provisions) Ordinance, 2020 and further to amend the Income-tax Act.

The Full bill is attached here.

A new section was introduced Sec 12AB in the Finance Act 2020 requiring every existing organisation registered u/s. 12AA and 80G to re-register themselves. Now, dut to COVID-19 pandemic, the insertion of this new section 12AB is being deferred to 1st April 2021.

9 replies
  1. DAnish
    DAnish says:

    If earlier a trust is having PAN of a firm also having 12A/80G registration and FCRA registration on same pan . Now thay want to switch over their pan to trust pan with 12A/80G registration on New and FCRA aswell.what will be the process to switchover and did thay mention earlier balancesheets and fcra returns in new..

  2. krunal kukadia
    krunal kukadia says:

    Any Idea whether existing trust/NGO need to go through whole procedure as fresh registration or simple application would be suffice?

  3. savita
    savita says:

    Hi sir can you help me with Renewal of 80G and 12A. now there is new updation for 80g and 12a application have to select only one form that is 10A. I want to know for this i have to file 10A form at once or differently for 80G and 12A. and one more for 12A renewal Which section code have to choose.


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