Need for exclusive domain extension “.ngo”
Most of the NGO using .org extension for their website. However .org by comparison is an open address. Anybody, an individual, a not-for-profit, even a commercial organization, can register in .org, and there’s no requirement—it’s open. Because of this, urgent need emerge to have separate and exclusive domain for NGO.
Why .NGO?
.NGO will be the exclusive domain for local and global non-governmental organizations looking to advance their missions or to inspire their communities. .NGO will provide immediate recognition for organizations to pursue a cause and make a positive impact. PIR (Public Interest Registry) is the non-profit organization managing .ORG – the domain that has served the non-profit community for more than 25 years – making it the natural choice for managing the domain extension “.ngo”.
The NGO term holds great weight among their communities, setting these organizations apart from commercial or governmental entities. .NGO is the definitive domain address where NGOs can differentiate themselves. The NGO community plays host to many different types of organizations operating in a variety of areas. Environmental, educational, religious, and emergency relief are just a few areas in which NGOs operate. PIR believes that each of these communities could benefit from a specific , exclusive identification on the Internet provided by .NGO. .NGO is the exclusive domain address for self-identified NGOs worldwide. .NGO’s exclusivity lends itself to reaching a broader audience who are seeking to make a positive impact on the world in any way they can.
Who Qualifies for .NGO
A NGO is defined as an entity whose mission and activities are broadly centered on improving the human condition; and are (a) non-governmental, (b) non-profit and (c) non-criminal. Members of the NGO Community include both Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and NGO membership organizations.
NGO membership organizations include the following, and may expand over time:
- Global organizations: International associations and/or classification-based associations.
- Regional organizations: Associations across broad geographic areas, potentially including multiple countries or jurisdictions.
- Local organizations: Associations or groups that provide support and memberships at a country or local level
PIR is working with the NGO community to establish the most appropriate mechanisms to verify NGO status for .NGO registrants. PIR will apply these mechanisms for the registration of the .NGO TLD in close and continuing cooperation with the NGO community. .NGO will truly be a domain extension built for the community, by the community.