Mansuri Mansuri2020-10-08 08:17:252020-10-30 20:17:39SBI Delhi Main Branch is notified as FCRA Bank Account
What is procedure for receiving of foreign fund in new fcra account new delhi branch? Tell us something about fema declaration and also the details that has to be provided by the donor.
How to applay online FCRA bank account, New Deli
Wait for clarification
Sir,Is Joint signatory mandatory in opening a new FCRA Account?
or Single signatory (Chief funcrtionary) enough
Joint Signatory
How to enter change of FCRA Bank account details in the form FC6C – and edit the information in it.
Checkout my video on youtube
What is procedure for receiving of foreign fund in new fcra account new delhi branch? Tell us something about fema declaration and also the details that has to be provided by the donor.